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A  Cordial Welcome attend all or any part  of our Worship Meeting, which begins each Sunday at 10:00 am.*  Meeting opens with a hymn, then an adult and children's lesson followed by a 30 minute Silent Meeting for Worship.  


Silent worship is a central Quaker practice. While striving to follow the teachings of Jesus, Quakers believe that God speaks to each and every one of us as individuals. The silence may be broken by any worshipper who feels moved to share; thus leading to greater understanding of the Light within each of us.  


As the writers of the Bible were inspired , so too are Quakers, guided by the Inner Light, encouraged to speak continuing revelation.

*Business Meetings are held at 10am every third Sunday of the month. There are no lessons during this time. All are welcome to attend Business Meeting.


"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."  - Psalm  119:105


Always Open to Those Who Seek:

Quakers believe that the path to God is ongoing and unique for each of us.  

During silent worship, we wait in expectant silence for God's continuing revelations to us.


We believe that every person is loved by the Divine Spirit.


There are Quakers of all classes,  religious backgrounds, races, education, sexual orientations, and gender identities.  


You are welcome to join us

as you are.


Dress as you feel comfortable.

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First Day (Sunday) School:


 This event is for adults and children and planned annually. Included are topics such as: Bible Study, Quakers throughout history, and the tenets of Quakerism referred to as testimonies by Friends.  


Meeting begins every Sunday morning at 10:00 am with a hymn and separate adult and children's lessons followed by Meeting for Worship at 11am. 


Members and attendees are called to participate in the Meeting's spiritual life and to attend worship regularly, to nurture each other's God-given gifts and talents, and to seek guidance from one another and the Meeting in discerning God's will for themselves.

Check back in for Spring 2025!

Discover,  Learn,  &  Share:

  Throughout the year we participate in a variety of community-oriented activities. We founded the Darlington Blueberry Festival and remain active participants in this annual event.


We encourage our children to get involved in their world by becoming aware of needs of others, both locally and in other states and countries which are ravished by war, poverty or natural disaster, and then contributing to organizations working to serve those needs. Deer Creek Meeting makes donations to various community charities and organizations as well as global charities.


Recipients Include:

The Lions Club, The Twice Blessed Thrift Shop, Mason/Dixon Community Services Food Bank, Char-Hope Recovery, Doctors Without Borders, and UNICEF

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The bulk of the Meeting's work

is done by committees , who propose recommendations to the full Meeting for consideration during Meeting for Business.  


Committees that serve the


Meeting are made up of:


  • Trustees

  • Ministry and Oversight

  • Advancement and Outreach

  • Religious Education

  • Hospitality


The  Clerk


The Clerk of the meeting:

  • Serves as the center of communication within the meeting.

  • Guides the conduct of business meetings.

  • Serves as the contact person with regional Quaker bodies.

  • Speaks on behalf of the meeting when a spokesperson is required.

Friends General

Friends General Conference provides services and resources for individual Friends, meetings, and people interested in the Quaker way.

FGC is an association of regional Quaker communities in the U.S. and Canada working together to nurture a vital Quaker faith.
Philadelphia , PA 19107

How To Get in Touch

Click to Email:

Send Mail To:

PO Box 415 

Darlington, Maryland 21034-0415

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© 2024 by S. Hunter. All photographs are property of Deer Creek Friends Meeting and may not be reproduced in any way. Created with

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